Landscape Oil Paintings by Asheville/Mills River Artist Dave Goldman


Inside you will find landscape oil paintings, seascape
oil paintings and abstract mixed-media art all created by Dave Goldman
from his home studio in Mills River, right near the fantastic city of Asheville
in the mountains of western North Carolina.

Look for me and my landscape oil paintings, seascape paintings, and mixed-media painting at my art festival exhibits, or call or email me for an appointment if you would like to see a painting in person and visit my studio in Mills River near Asheville. Mills River is now home of the new and wonderful North Carolina Sierra Nevada brewery .

Some of my landscape paintings are always available at Woodlands art gallery in Hendersonville, NC. Check the painting Purchasing/Commission page for the pricing and ordering information, and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you and meeting you.

In my painting I am interested in conveying the elegance, mystery, and romance of open spaces. I am particularly fascinated with atmospheric effects from thunderstorms, banks of mist and distant haze. As I explore the mountains, grasslands, oceans, and other American wilderness for inspiration I will continue to bring my interpretation of their beauty to you in my painting.

Also check out the page of my abstract mixed-media work, which incorporates lots of found objects and even some personal artifacts. I really enjoyed developing this body of work, and hope to do more abstract art like this in the future.

Thanks for your support and your interest in my artwork!

- Dave

Dave Goldman on facebook see me on facebook

All artwork images copyright Dave Goldman.
Original landscape and seascape oil painting and Asheville abstract
mixed media paintings. Landscape oil paintings on canvas and abstract mixed media
painting from Asheville artist Dave Goldman in Mills River in the mountains of
western North Carolina.

Contact Dave Goldman via email:

828 553 5316